Notes on map reading dated 1939. A 95 page book covering all aspects of military map reading.

OPERATIONS TRAINING PAMPHLET No23 Appreciations, Orders, Intercommunication and Movements. a 88 page pamphlet dated 1939.

Infantry Training Volume 1, Infantry Platoon Weapons Pamphlet No.6, The Light Machine Gun 1948. Reprinted with amendments 1953. A84 page book covering all aspects of training for the Bren Gun.

Military training pamphlet No21. Dannert concertina wire obstacles. Dated 1939. A 12 page booklet on how to set up and use barbed wire as a obstacles and road blocks.

Military Training Pamphlet No 14 (India) Infantry Section leading 1941. Although titled as a pamphlet it is actually a hardback book with 213 pages, this is the first training manual I have come across for the Indian army.

A.F.V. Recognition book dated 1942. A 163 page booklet showing all British and Allied A.F.V. and enemy vehicles off that date.

Infantry Training Volume 1 Dated 1948. a 70 page booklet showing all aspects of maintaining and using of the Bren Light Machine Gun.

Small Arms Training No. 3 Dated 1937 a 68 page booklet showing all aspects of maintaining and using of the MK111 Lee Enfield Rifle.

British Booby Traps Field Engineering Pamphlet No 9. Dated 1943 a 59 page booklet showing all aspects of British booby traps from anti personnel to anti vehicle.

Camouflage training pamphlet No 42 part 2 field defences. a 35 page pamphlet dated 1941 showing how to camouflage pill box's and all types of defensive positions.

Gun drill for 40-MM mark 1 A.A. gun. A 115 page booklet dated 1940 showing all aspects of gun drill and maintenance and also a section on the engagement of Tanks.

A forty one page Small Arms Training booklet on the Light Machine Gun. dated 1942.

A fifty nine page Small Arms Training booklet on Anti-Aircraft. dated 1942.

SMALL ARMS TRAINING Volume 1, Pamphlet No.12 Bayonet. A 15 page pamphlet dated 1942.

A forty eight page Small Arms Training booklet on the Grenade. dated 1942.

A twelve page Small Arms Training booklet on the Thompson Machine Carbine. dated 1942.

A twelve page Small Arms Training booklet on the Sten Machine Carbine. dated 1942.

Training set, universal Wireless, No.1 MK.1 & MK.2. Dated 1948. A 32 page booklet of working instruction's. Stamped for the 107 Corps Engineering Regiment [TA].

Infantry Training manual volume 1, Infantry Platoon Weapons, Pamphlet No. 3. No.4 Rifle and Bayonet. A 88 page booklet showing all aspects of rifle and bayonet training in the field, it also mentions the No.5 rifle. dated 1955.

Infantry section leading. A 118 page book showing all aspects of Infantry section leading for the N.C.O.dated 1938.

Mines And Booby Traps No 40. A 72page book dated 1943 showing British, American and German mines and booby traps.

Mines And Booby Traps No 40 supplement. A 20 page book dated 1945 showing British, American and German mines and booby traps.

A 22page illustrated booklet advising N. C. O. 'S about field craft. camouflage fields of fire etc. Published in 1941.

Infantry training volume 111 skill at arms dated 1976. The aim of this training booklet is to teach the skills and techniques required by gun teams and gun controllers in the tactical handling of the general purpose machine gun - sustained fire roll. Thanks to Bill for donating this booklet to my collection.